Topic 13: High Performance Network and Communication


The topic on High-performance networks and communications is devoted to communication issues in scalable compute and storage systems, such as tightly coupled parallel computers, clusters, and networks of workstations, including hierarchical and hybrid designs featuring several levels of possibly different interconnects. All aspects of communication in modern compute and storage systems are of interest, including advances in the design, implementation, and evaluation of interconnection networks, network interfaces, system and storage area networks, on-chip interconnects, communication protocols and interfaces, routing and communication algorithms, and communication aspects of parallel and distributed algorithms.

Submitted papers should present significant, original work in theory or practice on aspects of performance, reliability and availability, power consumption and heat dissipation, cost, scalability, and management. The scope of the topic includes, but is not limited to:


  • Interconnection networks
  • Switch architectures
  • Network adapters
  • High-speed system area networks for cluster computing
  • I/O architectures and storage area networks
  • On-chip and power-efficient interconnects
  • Multi-level heterogeneous communication systems
  • Lightweight and user-level communication protocols
  • Routing algorithms
  • Congestion management
  • Fault-tolerant and reconfigurable networks
  • Multimedia and QoS-aware communication
  • Network performance evaluation and analysis
  • Communication modeling of parallel and distributed algorithms
  • Collective communication and synchronization support

Topic Committee

Global chair

Jesper Träff, University of Vienna, Austria

Local chair

Brice Goglin, INRIA, France


Ulrich Bruening, University of Heidelberg, Germany
Fabrizio Petrini, IBM, USA