The Meeting
Here is the list of the workshops which will take place on the first two days of the conference.
Monday 29th, August, 2011
CoreGRID/ERCIM Workshop on Grids, Clouds and P2P Computing (CGWS 2011)
Room: Pitres -
Algorithms and Programming Tools for Next-Generation High-Performance Scientific Software (HPSS 2011)
Room: Gintrac -
System-level Virtualization for High Performance Computing (HPCVirt 2011)
Room: Denucé -
Algorithms, Models and Tools for Parallel Computing on Heterogeneous Platforms (HeteroPar'2011)
Room: Fabre -
Managing and Delivering Grid Services (MDGS)
Room: Arnozan -
UnConventional High Performance Computing 2011 (UCHPC 2011)
Room: 20 - Building G
Tuesday 30th, August, 2011
Highly Parallel Processing on a Chip (HPPC 2011)
Room: Pitres -
Virtualization in High-Performance Cloud Computing (VHPC '11)
Room: Gintrac -
Resiliency in High Performance Computing (Resilience) in Clusters, Clouds, and Grids
Room: Denucé -
High Performance Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (HiBB)
Room: Fabre -
Productivity and Performance (PROPER 2011)
Room: Arnozan -
Cloud Computing Projects and Initiatives (CCPI)
Room: 20 - Building G