The Meeting
Topic 06: Grid Cluster and Cloud Computing
Grid computing and cloud computing have changed the IT landscape in the way we access and manage IT infrastructures. The use of computing resources has become essential for many many applications in various areas. Both technologies provide easy-to-use and on-demand access to large-scale infrastructures.
Grid and Cloud computing are major research areas with strong involvement from both academia and industry. Although significant progress has been made in the design,deployment, operation and use of such infrastructures, many key research challenges remain for achieving the goal of a user-friendly, efficient, and reliable Grid and Cloud infrastructure. Research issues cover many areas of computer science to address the fundamental capabilities and services that are required in a heterogeneous environment, such as adaptability, scalability, reliability and security, and to support applications as diverse as ubiquitous local services, enterprise-scale virtual organizations, and internet-scale distributed supercomputing.
While there are several differences, Cloud computing and Grid computing are closely related in their research issues. Both areas will greatly benefit from interactions with the many related areas of computer science, making Euro-Par an excellent venue to present results and discuss issues.
- Grid and Cloud middleware
- Grid and cloud-enabled applications and platforms
- Interoperability and portability
- Aggregation and federation of grids and clouds
- Efficient energy usage of resources
- Resource/Service/Information discovery
- Resource management and scheduling*
- Grid/Cloud programming models, tools, and algorithms
- Dependability, adaptability, and scalability
- Security for grids and clouds
- Workflow management
- Accounting, billing and business models
- Automated or autonomic management of resources and applications
- Quality-of-Service and Service-Level-Agreement in Grids and Clouds
Topic Committee
Global chair
Ramin Yahyapour, TU Dortmund University, Germany
Local chair
Christian Pérez, INRIA/LIP, France
Erik Elmroth, Umeå University, SwedenIgnacio M. Llorente, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
Francesc Guim, Intel, Portland, USA
Karsten Oberle, Alcatel-Lucent, Bell Labs, Germany