Topic 07: Peer to Peer Computing


Peer-to-peer (P2P) systems enable computers to share information and other resources with their networked peers in large-scale distributed computing environments. The resulting overlay networks are inherently decentralized, self-organizing, and self-coordinating. Well-designed P2P systems should be adaptive to peer arrivals and departures, resilient to failures, tolerant to network performance variations, and scalable to huge numbers of peers (tens of thousands to millions). As P2P research becomes more mature, new challenges emerge to support complex and heterogeneous decentralized environments for sharing and managing data, resources, and knowledge with highly dynamic and unpredictable usage patterns.

This topic provides a forum for researchers to present new contributions to P2P systems, technologies, middleware, and applications that address key research issues and challenges.


  • P2P applications and services
  • P2P systems and infrastructures
  • P2P data management environments
  • P2P algorithms and theory
  • P2P social networks
  • Security, privacy, and robustness in P2P systems
  • Trust management and reputation in P2P systems
  • Modeling and performance analysis of P2P systems
  • Workload characterization and usage patterns for P2P systems
  • Experience with deployed P2P systems
  • Use of P2P techniques in Cloud and Grid computing environments
  • Content distribution (live, on demand, etc.) over P2P networks
  • Middleware, programming models, environments, and toolkits for P2P
  • Resource and service discovery in P2P systems
  • Convergence between P2P, Web computing, and Web services platforms

Topic Committee

Global chair

Pascal Felber, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland

Local chair

Olivier Beaumont, INRIA, France


Alberto Montresor, University of Trento, Italy
Amitabha Bagchi, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India